Defined compromise is "a settlement of differences by mutual concessions." Look deeper and you will find ideas like concession, adjustment and settlement. This idea of compromise as weakness is a recent phenomenon. I believe it flows out of the current "me" society. You see to compromise when it is all about you results in losing because you have to give up something, and to truly compromise means, yes, you have to... give up something.
The church is also guilty of this view. While, certainly, there can be no compromise of God's word because it is God's word, we do find this ideology being attached to other areas of the church as if they, too, are God's word. The church is commanded to compromise in order to get to God's truth. Although, we don't always use a word like "compromise" as it seems out of place. Jesus told us himself to seek compromise, gather with two or more in Him, and He will be there with us. What I believe he was talking about is compromising by way of putting ourselves last in order for our brother's or sister's wishes to be first, then, there is a chance to get to His will and avoid ours. You can't hope to do this if you are always about your wish, your will and your way. That is not compromise nor is it Christian.
The above poster really captures the sentiment of compromise today. So many of us think we are so right and others are so wrong that we don't even know we are imposing our will on others; we do it so effortlessly. I am as guilty as anyone, and yet, when it is done to me I get so upset. Why? I am used to having my own way, as the poster says, because, after all, I am right, aren't I? There is only one problem; when I impose my will on someone else I am not really concerned about God's will for them, am I?
How can we hope to impact the world for Christ if we can not even agree to be "last" to those in Christ? Compromise has been an important part of our history, although at times, a dark part too, but if you will research that dark part of history you will find, as I did, that compromise was not compromise at all.
The next time you are about to compromise, don't panic because God is in control. He truly works better with two or three than just one, and in order for two or three to work together there will have to be... you guessed it... compromise. Blessings!
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