
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Christ and Football

Last night I saw boys begin the process of becoming men; I saw individuals working as a team, and; last night, I saw a team and a school learn the lesson of process and product. Sometimes the product does not reflect the growth of process. Last night's score did not reflect what took place on the field.
Last night our very young undersized football team, in only its second year of varsity football, took on a good Section team and fought them tooth and nail for four quarters. Last night our cheerleaders stood in the wet grass and the chill of the night and led the cheers for our team until the last second ticked off the clock. Last night our fans stayed and cheered our team, our cheerleaders, and our school until the horn sounded. I have never been more proud or more convicted.
What does Christ have to do with football? First, it gives our young men an opportunity to be boys legally! They can hit and tackle and do all the things boys do in a structured disciplined environment. And, at the end of the game, one school can shake hands with a school they just battled and learn to walk away from the battle without seeking future vengeance. Second, last night I saw a glimpse of the unity of Christ as the community of Westminster united in all our differences for Christ and football. As Believers that is our calling, and that calling must be taught over and over to all of us. Finally, if we are to do football, it will be done like everything else at WCA: it will be done in an excellent manner.
Congratulations coaches, players, cheerleaders, students and fans. What an honor it is to be part of what God is doing at WCA. This is Westminster!


Danny Cartwright said...

I love football! I love to play football, watch football and critique the game after the last second ticks off. As a fan, I am loud and enthusiastic about my team. I will talk to others about my team without their asking. I will tell them about what my team is going to do,about their character and defend my team to the end. I love the fellowship with my fellow fans. My questions to myself are these: "Am I as enthusiastic about my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in front of others and to others as I am about my football team? Do I tell others about what He is doing in my life, about His character and defend Him to others especially in how I live my life as His follower? Do I devote as much time to Him as I do to my precious football team as their number one fan? Am I willing to let down all inhibition in my praise of Him as I am during a football game? Do I enjoy the fellowship with other believers as much as my time around the pigskin with them?" I know God has great plans for WCA's football team and our school as a whole if we deny ourselves and seek after His kingdom and glorify Him in all we do. I thank God for WCA and all its efforts to glorify him.

LPB said...

Amen, brother! Could not have said it better!