
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Postmodernism defined...

Andrew F. Uduigwome writes that,

"Postmodernism has constantly constituted a serious threat to the fundamental epistemological assumptions of philosophy and science since Descartes in the modern period. Inquires into how we know no longer revolve around the concepts of universalism, objectivity, foundationalism and essentialism. In other words, the post modern thinker does not subscribe to the belief in external or universal truths. He repudiates the claim that investigation of the nature of being is crucial to the determination of the true character of reality. Lyotard and Foucault, for instance, reject any attempt to ground reality in one all-encompassing theory or system of thought. The deconstructionist Derrida tries to show that the belief in the existence of an independent external reality that can be intersubjectively interpreted is a myth. For him, the dichotomy of binaries or opposites (eg presence/absence, nature/culture, male/female) that is characteristic of much Western philosophical tradition is illusorry and hence deserves deconstruction. A situation where the second of the binaries is subordinated to the first is strongly rejected. Reality or truth thus ceases to be defined in terms of a correspondence to a fixed entity that the descriptions and manipulations provided in our language must perfectly fit. Rather the preponderant view is that reality both conforms to language and is shaped by it. Language, as it were, is the repository of a people’s culture. Culture itself is a complex phenomenon which revels variety, alterity and ephemerality. The epistemological and metaphysical implication of this is that truth or reality is neither one nor objective but subjective and many. Lyotard posits that there are many discourses and the rules governing these discourses differ in corresponding proportion to socio-cultural and linguistic variations. Thus, our understanding of reality and interpretation of truth must differ in accordance with and reflect the linguistic and cultural variations. By this, deconstruction means dismantling and reorganizing language to expose the anomalies inherent in modern Western philosophical tradition (Effiwatt, 191-193).
Finally, postmodernism is atheistic, anti-metaphysical, anti-status quo of objectivity, consensus and prescriptivism. It is a deconstruction of all status-quos and standards in all realms of human endeavour. It is a philosophy of ‘anything goes’ (Ozumba,60)."

To read the rest of this article please click on

A philosophy built to be manipulated to suit one's tastes is a dangerous threat to the religious freedom we currently enjoy. The claim that "anything goes" is not quite accurate because the reality is that anything goes...but...anything Christian. The reason for this rejection is simple; to accept Christianity is to accept that there is reason and sense to reality. If there is reason and sense to reality then there is a truth that permeates all, and this is an out right rejection of this philosophy of "anything goes." This rejection will lead to morality which will lead to responsibility which will lead to accountability which in turn leads to standards which eventually lead to the death of a philosophy with no standards. This is postmodernism, and why the fight will be long and hard.


Klatu said...

For all of intellectual history, christian tradition has had a 'problem' with truth' deferring to dogma and doctine to define and maintain its claims to speak in the name of Christ and God. And today many would claim that postmodernism has no 'ultimate foundation upon which knowledge or reality is based'. That 'history' may have come to an end.

My wife and I are part of a trial, to which all are invited, to TEST the first new interpretation of the moral teachings of Christ to be published for two thousand years and by 'test' I mean in the strictist scientific sense. Nothing is to be accepted on faith alone, but a new truth claim, moral insight and potential for self knowledge are to be TESTED by faith.
The end of the test is the first religious apodictic certainty know to history, other wise called a literal proof of God or objective truth, thought to be impossible. If this turns out to be authentic, and there are already rumors and suggestions on the web that it is, it would mean that everything history thought about God is in error. A lot of theological feathers are going to fly. As for science, those who have used evolution to conclude there is no God will have to think again, but may find some comfort from evolution being confirmed and that the criteria science uses to secure evidence based knowledge is being put to use by this new teaching. Anyone wanting to join this trial, just go to

C. L. Bouvier said...

Thank you for your comments. Regarding your invitation, thank you. But, this idea of attainable absolute certainty inside of any test can only led to fallacy. In much the same way apodictic certainty is circular in nature, so too is any test of any truth defined by those governed by the truth they seek. It is kind of like letting the prisoners run the prison. All the same, I wish you well and pray that you find the only Truth that there is - Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.