
Monday, October 15, 2007

Are You Ready to Change the World?

Are you listening to what is taking place in culture today? Are you seeing any substantial positive change taking place?
Please do not be lulled into believing that electing any of the current crop of candidates from either party will change things. What are their proposed changes? Most believe that if they are elected they will possess the right language and the right compassion to be understood by other countries of the world in such a way that we will all finally be one. We will never be all one unless, of course, one dominates all others. Our goals are not to be selfish; instead, they are to be selfless.
Universal health care, amnesty, taxes, socialism: none of it matters if there is still a growing moral vacuum in our country. Fellow Christians we know the Truth of the gospel, and it is the key to changing our country and the world. Dr. Hunter, in his article, suggests that the contours of the world are not changed by cosmic chance or vast majorities of people, but, instead by individuals and their networks. These individuals and their networks move to the centers of culture and refuse to be moved to any periphery. Read his fascinating article at to see what I mean. You will find this on the Trinity Forum website.
Now, think of how a Christian school fits inside his concepts and proposals. Are you ready to change the world?

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