
Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Heart of the Matter

Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Tedd Tripp, is a must-read for all Christians. In a world being torn apart by the self-centered agenda, Dr. Tripp provides a book that goes straight to the heart of the matter. As Christians many of us have unknowingly succumbed to the world, and we parent accordingly. Dr. Tripp's book is that life preserver in the stormy sea: parents, grab it and never let go of it.

As the Head of a School, this book is the model for our discipline system. Discipline is not a naughty word; it is good to be disciplined, and our parents and our children need to understand that. Discipline that addresses the heart is discipline rooted in the truth. When we all understand the kind of discipline that addresses the heart we look at issues with different eyes. Policies go from being oppressive legalistic rules to pathways of grace leading to obedient submissive hearts. For example, I am almost positive that God is not concerned with the tucking in of shirts, but in the same spirit, I am almost positive that God is concerned with a student that has been asked to tuck in his or her shirt and fails to comply or, complies until around the corner and then untucks again. These actions are heart issues, acts of willful disobedience, deliberate choices to rebel, and steps onto the path of destruction.

Discipline, according to Dr. Tripp, is very different than punishment. "Discipline as positive instruction rather than negative punishment does not rule out consequences or outcomes of behavior. Consequences and outcomes of behavior are certainly part of the process God uses to chasten His people." We can all think back to examples of this in our own lives, but Dr. Tripp encourages us to think deeper about discipline. "Your objective in discipline is to move toward your children, not against them. You move toward them with reproofs and entreaties of life. Discipline has a corrective objective. It is therapeutic, not penal. It is designed to produce growth, not pain."

This is the discipline we should find in a Christian home and a Christian school. I encourage you to read this book; it will be one of the most important books in your library.


Charlie said...

I have found this a most helpful book. Many in my congregations have benefitted from it. Thanks for recommending it.

C. L. Bouvier said...

Thank you Charlie for your Godly leadership and pastoral heart!