
Monday, February 11, 2008

You've Got to Be Joking...

Welcome to the “I” Church the sign states. I have no idea where this church is, but it does point to one of the major problems that Christians face today: self. Today we are worried about our feelings, our rights, and our well being so much so that we forget to do many of the very things that Jesus commands. When asked what is the greatest commandment Jesus said, “to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your mind, and all your strength; and the second is this; love your neighbor as yourself.”

In a day when churches like this show up more than we care to admit, leaders of them claim to be one thing and yet are another. I find great irony in the fact that those who speak about postmodernism much are in fact very postmodern in their thinking and actions. Here are a few indicators of that someone who speaks of postmodernism often but is, in fact, very postmodern.

1. Jumps to the latest greatest fad instead of jumping to scripture.
2. Micromanages and avoids delegating.
3. Fears excellence and views anyone who brings it as a threat.
4. Uses change as a tool of manipulation.
5. Elevates the latest fad as the panacea of all.
6. Is an inch thick and ten miles wide regarding anything of substance.
7. Enjoys operating in crisis and urgency.
8. Short term goals and objectives always consume and replace long term goals and objectives
9. Prefers to make decisions alone and avoids consultation with others.
10. Everything tends to be all about them.

The irony of today’s world is that the more you dwell in it and talk about it the more it turns you into the very item you swore you would never be. Take it from me, unless you dwell in the scriptures and spend time with your Lord in prayer and worship, you will become the very things you swore never to be. Our charge is to pray without ceasing!

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