
Friday, April 11, 2008

An Article to Awaken

I have often said that we, Christians, should be starting a new Christian school every week, and for the most part, I thought that trend was somewhat true and continuing in some form...that is until now. I just read an excellent article by Joel Belz on Christian education. According to ACSI statistics, that trend is now going in the other direction. Every week there are established Christian schools closing their doors instead of new Christian schools opening theirs. Why?

Mr. Belz, in his article, suggests that one of the reasons is the advent of home schools. He does not suggest that homeschooling is at fault, but merely points out that of the 1 million plus currently in the home school arena, some of those students would be in Christian schools. The modest increase in that area, to me, is a great thing. I believe a Christian home school and a Christian school should be partners in the Christian education of students. What a great testimony to a watching world.

At Westminster Christian Academy, as we begin building, our goal is and will be to be a resource for Christian families whether their students attend our classes or not. Westminster intends to engage culture and be a vital part of the Huntsville community. But, that will mean that we will be in need of much prayer because little things are the issues that tend to divide us. Athletics, fine arts, communication, paint color, tuition, grades, teacher selection, rumors...these are just a few of the things that parents have pulled their children out of Christian schools over in the past. Please be in prayer for us as we embark into this new season God has prepared.

To read the Joel Belz article in its entirety click HERE! Happy Reading!

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