
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It is Graduation Time Again!

Friday, May 23rd at 7:00pm Westminster Christian Academy will graduate another senior class. Dr. T. David Gordon will be the commencement speaker. Dr. Gordon is a professor of Religion and Greek at Grove City College. Dr. Gordon has written many articles and reviews for many prominent academic journals and magazines. Dr. Gordon's notes on John's gospel appear in the New Geneva Study Bible and the Reformation Study Bible. Dr. Gordon is a friend of the school and of the church. It is a honor to have him as our speaker this year.

As for the senior class, they are a special group to me. They have been an inspiration to me and to the school. They set the tone early this year with their commitment to their Savior and to each other. They have been the "key" to the school. I shall never forget them. On Friday night we will celebrate the end of one season of their lives, and the beginning of another, one full of wonder and promise. Congratulations to the class of 2008!

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