
Friday, June 27, 2008

True Truth

Truth is a word we, Christians, casually throw around a lot these days. I catch myself using it as if I have the market on what is true and what is not. The reality is that no one truly understand what truth is and what it is not. Truth, that is real truth, is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is Jesus who is true, and it is the rest of us who are false. We use the word, but we tend to use the word as an overcoat to cover our real get our own way. It is all about control and being right, at least it is that way for me. I can tell someone what I believe to be true, or I can state what I believe happened in a situation as true, but my perception, which is tainted, prevents truth from being truly true. Why? I am fallible and fallen and see the world from my perspective only, thus my view is view.

As I was reading scripture the other day, I came across a old familiar passage. I am sure most of you are familiar with Matthew 18:20 where Jesus states that "for where two or three gathered in my name, there am I among them." And, then it struck me right then and there ... truth is only obtainable when we, Christians, put our pride, our control, our desires and our lives aside and come together in Christ to discern what He desires for us.

Many times I think I know the right way to do this or to do that, but the reality is, outside of Christ, I know...nothing. I know nothing without Christ for He is everything including my truth.

As I prayed this morning for several people, I also prayed that I would not callously treat truth as if it is my commodity to give away. I prayed that as I tell my son and daughter to tell the truth daily, I would also tell myself to do all that I can to tell the truth and seek the truth. That means only one thing ...prayer! It always comes back to prayer. When we gather as the body of Christ and put our differences aside and pray...we begin to walk in the truth.

I leave you with the words of our Lord. In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." These are truly beautiful words; may we live by them always!

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