I read an ARTICLE recently that made me chuckle. Atheists, those who claim that God does not exist, are now openly discussing the formation of a church-like body. Quoting the article...
"The quartet of best-selling authors who have emerged to write the gospel of New Atheism—Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, and Dawkins (the Four Horsemen, as they are now known)—has succeeded in mainstreaming atheism in a nation that is still overwhelmingly religious and, in the process, catalyzed a reexamination of atheistic raison d’ĂȘtre."
I am confused. What gospel is there to write?
" Atheism’s great awakening is in need of a doctrine. “People perceive us as only rejecting things,” says Ken Bronstein, the president of a local group called New York City Atheists. “Everybody wants to know, ‘Okay, you’re an atheist, now what?’ ”
What doctrine? Let's just pretend they are right for one minute just to make a point. What they are proposing here, will it not result in another form of "oppressive religion" in the years to come? Are they not doing exactly what they are accusing so many "religious" people of doing in the past?
And, there is no "what" if there is no God. Why write doctrine when there are no rules, and everyone is free to live as they wish? As a matter of principle, their worldview demands that there be no doctrine in order to live consistently within their beliefs. If they do write and publish doctrine then they are no longer free to criticize any other religious doctrine, if they wish to live inside their worldview consistently. Consistency is the knife that slices to the marrow of worldviews. It is the Christian worldview that can be lived out consistently.
"At this point, the movement can’t even agree on a name. Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great, prefers the term anti-theist because he’s entertained the possibility that God exists and finds the prospect frightening, the spiritual equivalent of living in North Korea. Daniel Dennett continues to promote the term bright, which, he has said, is “modeled very deliberately and very consciously on the homosexual adoption of the word gay.” (In the first chapter of God Is Not Great, Hitchens dismisses the term as conceited.) And Sam Harris, brash young scientist that he is, triggered a minor revolt last fall at the Atheist Alliance International Conference in Crystal City, Virginia, when he lashed out against the term atheist, disparaging those who identify with a negation. “It reverberated in atheist circles as a sacrilege,” Harris told me. “But what’s worse is adopting language that was placed on us by religious people. We don’t feel the need to brand ourselves non-astrologers or non-racists.”
I do apologize for my responses here, but it is, again, as scripture states: without God man will become proud and think he is intelligent when he really is just foolish. I know because I have been that fool many times, but each time God reached down and rescued me from myself.
One final thought: if there is no God, and man has evolved, why the militant onslaught against a none being that does not exist? Is that really the highest form of intelligence? Should anyone follow those who continue to attack a none being? Would you listen to a group that organized itself to protest the Lucky Charms leprechaun or the Keebler elves? If you desire to really know the truth, do not listen to men; instead, ask God to reveal Himself to you, and He will change your life beyond what you could have ever imagined! Blessings to all!
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