Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey write of this relationship between Christian education and the cultural mandate in their contention:
"...that the Lord's cultural commission is inseparable from the great commission. That may be a jarring statement for many conservative Christians, who, through much of the twentieth century, have shunned the notion of reforming culture, associating that concept with the liberal social gospel. The only task of the church, many fundamentalists and evangelicals have believed, is to save as many lost souls as possible from a world literally going to hell. But this implicit denial of a Christian worldview is unbiblical and is the reason we have lost so much of our influence in the world. Salvation does not consist simply of freedom from sin; salvation also means being restored to the task we were given in the beginning - the job of creating culture."
When I read this quote I think quickly of the Christian school. There I see a system, not only set up for engaging culture, but one prepared to make an impact in culture that produces a lasting change in society, and all for the glory of our Lord. I have witnessed, first hand, the change of culture, and I hope to witness, again, a new change of culture as the Truth of the gospel again takes it rightful place.
At Westminster Christian Academy, we are building our new campus not to get away from culture, but to engage culture and be a vibrant positive part of our community. Join us as we change the world one student at a time!
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