
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sara Palin, Vice President?

Sara Palin is now in line to become the first women to hold the office of the Vice President. I know very little about Governor Palin other than what I have read recently. As a Christian, I am anxious to find out where she stands spiritually. I do know that she is pro-life, pro-NRA and conservative so the fire works will soon begin.

We must do our own homework to evaluate this choice. We can not let the media be our lone resource for our information when they have proven, time and time again, to be bias, agenda-driven and untrustworthy? Before judging Governor Palin too harshly, consider these points because you will not hear them from the media:

1. Her experience in governance actually dwarfs that of the Democratic Presidential candidate.
2. We have heard a lot about change and a new Washington from both candidates, yet the Republican candidate's selection fits best as Palin is far from Washington and already proven to have the ability to stand up to corruption.
3. On the not from Washington front, Palin is not from the "club" as she graduated from the University of Idaho.
4. She has delivered on her promises to her people by cutting waste from the budget and sticking to that budget; something Washington knows little about.

The media will surely hate her before they even know her because she is the anti-them. I love my country dearly but am saddened by what I see in the media and in government these days. Journalists, in the past, labored to be neutral and to report truth because they respected the power at their fingertips; now, most arrogantly use it for their own purposes. Politicians, in the past, sacrificed to be in office in order to humbly serve their people. Today, words like sacrifice and humility are rarely associated with politics. As this election nears, not waste your vote because voting still allows you to be part of the political process! This time it may matter more than you know. Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Palin is a brilliant choice, in my 'umble estimation. I understand that she's a member of a pentecostal church, and has strong conservative social views. We get to see those lived out in her own family, with child #5 and troubled 17-year-old daughter.

On the subject of the daughter: having a strong moral base for your family doesn't guarantee your daughter won't end up pregnant. The strong moral base guides how you will respond to that sort of event.

C. L. Bouvier said...

Well said! I believe Palin will serve as that proverbial "litmus test" for all of us. Do we live what we believe? Stay tuned! Thanks for your comments!