
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grandmother the Hero

Grandmothers are suppose to be sweet and vulnerable, at least that is what one 17-year-old burglar thought until he ran into 85-year-old Leda Smith of Pennsylvania. It seems that this 17-year-old boy broke into Leda Smith's home on August 18th. According to World Magazine, "the boy awoke Smith who then grabbed for the .22 caliber revolver near her bedside. Only when the intruder heard the sound of the pistol cocking did he realize Smith had the bead on him."

According to the police, "Smith then told the young man to dial 911 from her white slimeline living room phone and report himself." The young man wisely complied. Smith then told the young man, "Don't attempt to throw the phone at me, or do anything bad or I'll just shoot you." Police answered the 911 call and "arrived to find the boy spread-eagle on her living room floor with the 85-year-old perched over him with the gun."

Congratulations to Leda Smith for refusing to become a victim!


Anonymous said...

Go Granny!

Of course, in the UK she would be charged with kidnapping under the same circumstances – no kidding! I heard about a fellow in Scotland who caught some kids stealing bicycles from his yard shed. He slammed the door and barred it until the police got there, and they promptly arrested him for kidnapping!

C. L. Bouvier said...

Of course...should we be suprised any more?