
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hoops in the New Gym

Coach Spybey and I decided to ham it up a bit in our new building today.

Here he tries to defend my first step, but he soon realizes that I am slower than most. I move with a jello-like motion that most turtles would envy.

Coach Spybey, surprised that any man can actually move in slow motion in real time, is stunned and has no answer, as I roll past him, I basket. The gym is not finished yet, but... it is still beautiful just the same.

All is well, as our new building grows daily. As you drive by our new campus at the corner of Oakwood Drive and Johns Road, remember that all that you see is the result of a Holy God working through simple people for His own glory. May God be glorified by our buildings, by our school and most of all, by our entire lives! Blessings!


Questions About Faith, Etc. said...

What do you think of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and the like? What validity do they have in American discourse?

C. L. Bouvier said...

I believe these men have validity in the American discourse because of their reputations, abilities, and works. Harris is a talented writer, as is Dawkins. Add Hitchens to the group, and you have the four major players in the atheist, or as Hitchens calls himself, the anti-theist movement. There are two problems with their movement, as I see it.

First, all have written about how the rest of us should live, but if there is no god then, they are living a life inconsistent with their belief system. Second, all of them, I am sure, believe in the evolutionary survival of the fittest mentality, and, therefore, are wasting valuable energy telling those who do not believe, and are doomed not to survive, how to survive. This act alone lends more credence to the Christian worldview than the anti-theist worldview. But, because this country has allowed mediocrity to dominate and can no longer recognize excellence people will read their books and be led because 99% of people are sheep. These men will continue to have validity until there are those willing to stand up and debate them on all the issues.

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good, Bouv! Wish you were here so we could go to I-Hop for b-fast. Ah, those were the days!