
Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Mounting National Debt

I hope I am like you... sick and tired of politics. I don't care which party, and I don't care which state... I just want someone to stand up and make sense of this national debt, and begin to do something about it.

As I write this, our national debt has currently increased by 3.89 billion dollars since 2007. How is this sustainable? How will we ever pay this down? If you care to keep up with this growing figure there is a national debt clock that will give you the up to minute numbers. You might not want to check it too often as it could put you into a state of depression.

I read the following in the Wall Street Journal,

"The federal government will have to borrow $1.6 trillion this year to finance its operations, the highest single-year budget deficit in the post-World War II era, the Congressional Budget Office said in a mid-year update Tuesday."

WSJ also reported,

"The U.S. public debt will exceed 61% of gross domestic product by the end of 2010, the CBO said, with that figure rising to 68% of GDP by the end of 2019."

The article is full of "wonderful" news and worth a read.

I would like to know the plan for paying this debt? I have heard a few ideas from both parties, but to be quite honest... none of them make much sense to me. Does anyone really have a plan?

What are we to do? I am open to ideas, but one thing is for sure... we can not continue to do nothing. If we do, my kids and your kids will not enjoy the same standard of living that we have.

As Christians are we called to do nothing? Are we called to be passive and hope for the best? I believe we are called to engage and be active in finding a solution. We are told twice by Paul in Corinthians that the spirit dwells in us... and if that is true then we ought to be the leaders... even in tough areas like this.

May we be part of the solution for His glory! Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Simple....eliminate all federal departments except State and Defense. All other Executive agency responsibilities would be delegated to the individual 50 states under 10th Amendment provisions. Maybe easier said than done.

churchmusicguy said...

Don't you mean "trillion" instead of "billion" in your opening paragraph?

C. L. Bouvier said...

Actually, it is increasing in billions which is adding up to trillions.

C. L. Bouvier said...

All for eliminating federal departments; it is easy to do, but the loss of power resulting from such a move will mean it will never happen.