
Friday, September 18, 2009


Have you noticed that belief is defined differently these days? Those of us in Christ have a belief, but those who believe in other things or nothing (atheism) have the truth.

Perception is a very interesting thing. It changes according to what you believe. If you believe someone is a good person, and they do something not good, you will still give them the benefit of the doubt because your perception of them is good. It will not be the same for someone you do not view as a good person.

Often we allow our perception to serve as truth; it can not. Truth is found, as our Lord defined: "where two or three gather in my name I am there." The Lord Jesus is truth.

Many will scoff at this notion, yet what is the alternative... usually perception. Is atheism true? Atheists will say yes, but the proof is speculation and perception. Is evolution true? Evolutionists will say yes, but only the sincere honest searchers of truth will admit that there is still a lot they do not know. They speculate it is true which is... perception.

As Christians, we ought to be the examples of how to arrive at truth. We ought to understand the power and the danger of perception. One side to a story is not mostly truth but perception.

We will never engage culture for Christ until we understand and live by truth, and not by perception. Perception is easy; truth is not. Yet, we are commanded to live by truth. May we work hard to live by the truth of Christ and not the perception of our own hearts. Blessings!

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