
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Our trip to Disney has come to a close. Our children had a wonderful time. Disney is a truly special place, but not for the reasons you might think.

As I walked around all four parks, I was amazed by several things.

First, there is no garbage any where. I tried to find a piece and was successful a few times only to see it quickly picked up by someone dressed to blend in with the rest of us.

Second, Disney people want to be part of Disney. I did not see one person who did not present that image of Disney. I suspect those who don't do not last very long.

Three, Disney is about an image that is carefully constructed and presented in everything they do. Everything looked clean, new, safe and ready to use.

And, finally, Disney understands how to make things relational, and that when they do it presents a greater chance that people will return. When parents bring their kids to a place like Disney, and their kids make some of the relational connections our kids did... whala! Disney is now part of your family and your kids' memories, and that, again, increases the chances that your kids will come back and bring their kids.

The logistics to run such an operation are mind blowing, yet it is done with excellence and precision. Even though Disney is not Christ-centered, I still believe we Christians can learn from such an organization. After all, we believe in a redemptive God who still sits on the throne, right? Blessings!

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