
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Climate Change

With the current conference on climate change taking place right now, I thought it worthy of examination... is our climate really changing?

It is true that the earth has warmed in recent years, but where you go to get your information will determine the answer to this question and many more. Al Gore and his supporters will tell you that the earth has been warming for a thousand years or so, but interestingly enough, accurate measurable temperatures have only been recorded since 1850. We can speculate what the temperature was before 1850, but there is really no way to know.

When news broke of the Arctic ice being at its 30 year low in 2007, that same source (U. of Illinois) also reported that the Antarctic ice was at its record high, but, of course, this was not reported by most of the media. There is a nice website that actually tries to track accurate data on climate change. On this website, they report that the actual change in climate, since 1850, is 0.3%, hardly what the media communicates.

And then there is Al Gore, a man who won a Nobel Prize for his work in climate change. For all of Gore's fascination with science and technology, he often struggled academically in those subjects. Gore received a D his sophomore year in Natural Sciences 6 (Man's Place in Nature), and then got a C-plus in Natural Sciences his senior year. If you look at Gore's transcript you will notice that he avoided all courses in mathematics and logic throughout his four years in college. Would you approve of a man with this record teaching your children science or logic? Yet, this is the spokesman for climate change. Kind of taints the whole climate change agenda and Nobel Peace Prize.

So, what is really going on here? I think it is as Genesis states: man without Christ will always try to be God and proclaim himself as God. What happens when scientists promote man as the cause of climate change? Well, they tend to get power, popularity and fame, and all these allows them to think and feel like... God.

Is the climate changing? Maybe, a little, but there is no way to tell if it is real change or just cyclical change. When reading about issues like these, be warned... the media is not the place to get your facts. Blessings!

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