
Saturday, May 1, 2010


I have been thinking about this whole idea of safety these days. Are we Christians called to a life that is safe and secure? What about our ministries? Is our goal to get them to a point of safety?

This morning I did a word search in the ESV for "safety," and what I found was surprising. In the Old Testament, there are 25 verses that contain the word safety. In the New Testament, there is not a single verse that contains that word.

The word "safe" provides us more insight. There are 55 verses that contain the word "safe" in them. Of those 55, 45 are in the Old Testament. These verses in the New Testament that refer to this word "safe" have to do with safe passage, as in Paul missionary journeys, or as 2 Timothy 4:18 references, "being rescued from our evil deeds and brought safely into His heavenly kingdom."

I have been thinking of this issue since Dr. George Grant challenged us all on this idea of safety. Is our goal to be safe? Do we spend energy striving to be safe and secure and live our lives accordingly? It certainly is tempting, is it not? Is it wrong to desire safety and security? I do not think it is, but I think the Bible has more to say on the issue. This morning's study peaked my interest in this subject and motivated me to do a deeper study on the subject. Blessings!

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