
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Instrument of Thought

John Milton Gregory once wrote, "Language is an instrument as well as the  vehicle of thought.Words are tools under whose plastic touch the mind reduces the crude masses of its impressions into clear and valid propositions. Ideas become incarnate in words."

As we examine the questions surrounding education these days, we are reminded of the simple truths of Gregory's statement. Language is an instrument, words are tools and ideas, well, ideas are the crux of education. We learn in order to express our ideas in clear and concise ways. How we express our ideas is really dependent on how well we have mastered our use of language, specifically our use of words individually and collectively.

I learned a valuable lesson a few weeks ago as I traveled to Odessa, Ukraine about the use of language. Communication is about language, but it is also about so much more. I spoke at a conference and spoke through an interpreter. I envisioned that this would be the most difficult part of the process, but what I found was something different. Yes, not speaking the language very well certainly had its limitations, but when it came to communicating at the conference something changed. I was able to communicate in a better way. Why? After analyzing my comments over and over, I came to several realizations.

First, if you are passionate about your subject matter it enhances the communication process. Second, if you know your subject matter well it, again, enhances the communication process. Third, if you speak from the heart and less from the paper, again, it enhances the communication process. And finally, if you have a desire to learn the native language and make a sincere effort to use it when you can, it enhances the communication process.

Communication is about words and language, but it is also about so much more. Passion and knowledge are important and powerful agents of the communication process. We should never underestimate their significance and importance in the ability to communicate with those who speak our language and those who do not. Our ideas do become incarnate in our words; we must make sure we use our words to the best of our ability, and that they match our passion and our knowledge. Blessings! 

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