
Thursday, January 5, 2012


This past week our school was allowed to pilot a program on worldview from a local Christian college, which reminded me about the importance of worldview. There are many great books on worldview, but one of the best, in my opinion, is Creation Regained by Albert M. Wolters. My views over the next few paragraphs are from this book.

Wolters gives us our best definition of worldview; he defines it as "the comprehensive framework of one's basic beliefs about things." Simply put, worldview is the way we look at the world, and we all look at the world through our worldview. What role does a worldview play in your life? Wolters believes a worldview serves as a guide to our entire life. He writes, "it functions like a compass or a road map." Our worldview shapes the way we look at events and the way we respond to events. Our opinions, political and the like, are all rooted in worldview.

As Christians, we must be a people rooted in worldview. Wolters is clear in his book, "our worldview must be shaped and tested by Scripture." We are people of the Word and that Word must permeate our being in such a complete way that our worldviews are reflective of that Word. Worldviews expose who you are and what you believe. You can not say God's word is infallible and then believe something contrary to scripture. True worldviews have a consistency that can only be found in people of the Word.

Many of us tend to confuse worldview and let it leak into the fields of philosophy and theology thinking one or both are required to build a worldview. Wolters offers advice here in writing,

"A worldview is a matter of the shared everyday experience of humankind, an inescapable component of all human knowing, and as such it is nonscientific, or rather (since scientific knowing is always dependent on the intuitive knowing of our everyday experience) prescientific, in nature. It belongs to an order of cognition more basic than that of science or theory."

A worldview is who you are and not what you know. Who you are will be revealed in the choices you make, in the opinions you have and in the priorities of your life. A Christian worldview reveals Christ, plain and simple. Look for more on this subject of worldview in the future. Blessings!

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