
Saturday, May 12, 2012


I am learning that observing is better than talking in most instances. I was kind of forced into this new mindset by my circumstances, but I am gaining new insight every day from just observing. Here are some of my observations and the insights gained from them.

On a clear night, the sky, with all of its stars, is one of the most beautiful sights the human eye can see, and it is totally free to anyone interested.

When the wind blows yellow construction tape, its movements are symmetrical. Amazing what you can notice when you take the time.

Trees are one of the most beautiful parts of creation. And, their beauty stands in all situations; whether rain, wind or snow, trees are always beautiful.

The cell phone is the main reason most people do not talk or look at other people. I was writing one morning while enjoying a cup of coffee at a certain establishment and decided to conduct an informal social experiment. I paid close attention to the next five people that walked in the door. All five had cell phones on their person, with three actively engaged in a conversation walking in the door. Two of those three did not stop their conversation when ordering at the counter.

Loyalty is becoming extinct, and so is true friendship. In my conversations with some of my friends and in my observations, friendships these days serve some sort of purpose, and when that purpose is gone so is the friendship. Most common excuse given to not staying in touch... I am really busy. Second most common excuse... I have a lot going on at work and at home right now.

People who are walking a dog will say hi to you before someone who is just walking alone. I do not know if the dog gives the person walking it added security, but they will say hi sooner than someone who is walking alone.

A fire will attract every boy within a mile of the fire. I was trying to burn a stump out this weekend in my yard, and before I knew it, every boy on our street was bringing me wood for that fire.

A bad mood is contagious. If someone in the family is in a bad mood, chances are at least one other person in that family will get that bad mood at some point during the day.

If you want it to rain, plan a labor-intensive project that demands that it not rain. If there is no rain in the forecast, there will be as soon as you start the project.

Grass will grow everywhere except on your lawn. I see grass growing in the cracks of the sidewalk, on the street and in our garden but in certain spots on my lawn... no grass.

Men are less likely to admit being wrong than women. Men will go to the grave first before admitting they are wrong about anything.

People will do things in a group that they would never do alone. It is called the mob mentality, and it has no boundaries.

Well, that is all for now. Watching the world that I live in has been most enjoyable. Stay tuned for more observations! 


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