
Friday, July 27, 2012


I tried to refrain from commenting on this, but there are too many other people saying too many inaccurate and hateful things to ignore it any longer.

Most of the comments I have read assume something about the story that is false. Others are far more offensive and hateful than Dan Cathy's original comments. The reality is this: if you have the right to criticize Dan Cathy for his comments then he has the right to make those comments. I may not agree with those who offer criticism of Dan Cathy and his comments, but I support their right to make those comments. That is a right that is foundational to who we are as a country, and if lost, we are all lost.

What do I think of same-sex marriage? Well, that is something I may, at some point share with you on this blog, but for now, this is all you need to know. We are all sinners in need of a savior, and God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us while we were yet sinners. We are all called to be love so I plan on living my life according to my beliefs, loving and respecting everyone in such a way that others will see this truth and want to live this way too.

When love truly rules the day, as it ought to in the life of the Believer, we give up our ways and our own views and succumb to God's views and God's ways. This kind of love will change the world. Believers cannot hope to change the world until they change the way they treat each other. Love must rule the day, and when it does, we will stop worrying about someone else's sins and start worrying about our own. There you have it, my cent and half on this issue.     .

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