
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sweet Home... Massachusetts

North Adams, Massachusetts
This is a picture of North Adams, Massachusetts. This is where I spent the first 25 years of my life. I was born here and went to high school here. I even began my college career here. I actually lived 40 minutes away in those mountains to the left in a small little town called Monroe, but North Adams is where I spent my high school years and where I made some close friends. This place holds many fond memories...

I still can remember walking up Main Street (the street that holds the block of buildings in the picture) on cold winter nights. Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts is off to the right. My off-campus apartment was straight up the hill from Main Street. It was a great place to be, except on cold winter nights. My parking space for that apartment was a good hike away so on cold winter nights it was not a comfortable walk.

The Mohawk Theater on the northern corner of Main Street is where I saw my first adult movie with my parents. The movie was the Towering Inferno, and if my memory serves me correctly, we had to stand in line to get tickets. Jack's Hot Dog Stand is still in the same spot on Eagle Street and still serving up hot dogs as it did when I was in high school. The Dunkin Donuts on Union Street was where my friends and I got our hot coffee during the winter months. It is still there sitting right next to McDonald's. This picture brings back lots of memories, and all of them are good.

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