
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Last Year's Debilities

Most people make resolutions for the new year, but I am not most people, at least that is what my bride tells me. Instead of setting several goals, with me as the direct beneficiary of these goals, and using these "resolutions" as a means of focusing even more on myself than I already do... I thought, what would be best for me and my soul is to reflect back on last year's debilities.

What have I learned this past year? Well, as it turns out... a lot. Learning, as is always the case, is often difficult, sometimes depressing and generally, not fun. As has happened at other times in my life in Christ, the Lord's education involves pruning which involves cutting which often involves pain. This past year has followed that path in many ways. The key is to learn from mistakes and let them lead you into a deeper and higher walk with Him.

What have I learned? Well...

I am a sinner saved by grace.
God's love for me has nothing to do with me.
The human desire for peace rarely equates to God's will.
The desire for unity is often not about unity at all.
God's ways are not my ways.
Vengeance is the Lord's and so is His timing.
Evil prevails when good men (not godly men) do nothing.
People will always assume the worst when nothing is said.
God will provide, and again, He will provide in His timing and not mine.
God is love, and if I am His, I should also be love.
Love is the difference that Christ provides us.
Unconditional service to those who can offer you nothing in return is evidence of the presence of Christ.
You will know Christians, not by the words, but by their acts of love.
In the world, your only as good as today; whatever happened yesterday matters little to the world.
A good tree produces good fruit.
Examine the fruit of a tree carefully; what looks like good fruit today may spoil tomorrow.

Each year I learn more about my debilities, and that list seems to grow. A dear mentor once told me that the closer you get to the true light the more you see how dirty you really are. Your dirt has not increased; your ability to see your own dirt has increased. I can only pray that this is the case for me. Happy New Year! May it be a great and glorious year filled with more of Him and less of those things that prevent us from drawing closer to Him.

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