
Monday, January 21, 2013

Sovereignty and Responsibility

Someone once told me that God's sovereignty does not negate man's responsibility. I have thought often about that advice in the context of God and who He is.

I have thought about that advice in the context of God in relation to who I am. Do my choices reflect who God is, or who I am?

I have thought about that advice in the context of God in relation to the world in which I live. Do I live in a way that reflects who God is in me, or who the world is in me?

I have thought about that advice in the context of God in relation to those I relate to daily. Do I treat them as God treats me, or do I treat them as I think they ought to be treated?

I have thought about that advice in the context of God in relation to those who have hurt me. Do I forgive them as God has forgiven me, in spite of all of my sin against Him, or do I forgive them according to my own personal standard?

I have thought of that advice in the context of God in relation to what God has done for me. Do I realize what God has really done for me, or do I think I am a little deserving of this salvation He gives?

Do I realize that God asks me to treat others according to the way He has treated me? Do I realize that, despite my sinful heart and addiction to myself, God still rescued me from my sin and addiction and adopted me into His kingdom forever? Do I really realize that, as His adopted son, I am to be known by my love over everything else. Do I realize that God sent His Son to die on my behalf and that through His Son's finished work I am free to live a life of love for others? God's sovereignty fulfills my responsibility to live a life in total dependence of Him.

And, here is my recent lesson. My response to others is never in reaction to them and their actions, but, instead, it is always to be a reflection of a Holy God in me. Jesus stated clearly, "You will know my disciples by their love for one another." Love is the predominant action of the Believer and a sure sign of God's sovereign empowerment of the Believer towards love and good deeds.

Hopefully, in these words, you have found some that resonate with you. May God meet with you where you are and let you get a glimpse of the life He has for you.

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