
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dr. Al Mohler on True Education

Dr. Al Mohler has some interesting things to say regarding the current educational choices for our children.

"Far too many Christians neglect to pay attention to what is distinctively Christian about Christian education. In Romans 12:2, Paul wrote, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." That powerful sentence represents the very heart of Christian education. Rather than conforming to the prevailing worldview of the secular culture, Christian education is to be transformative--demonstrating the power of God's truth in human lives.
A true Christian education is like a light shining in the darkness. In a day when the prevailing secular culture is not even certain that truth exists, Christian education is established in the name and to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

Read another important quote from his article!

"While secular worldviews attract the attention of so many in the academy, an authentically Christian education must take root among God's people. Christians must learn once again to be thinking disciples, constantly at work learning God's truth for God's glory.

This is no time for intellectual sloth or sloppiness. The secular world is hard at work, framing its secular worldviews and exercising an incalculable influence on the broader culture. Now is the time for vigorous Christian thinking, for the development of authentic Christian scholars who are able to confront the wisdom of the world. Generations to come will be shaped by the worldviews that prevail in this age. We dare not look on the battle of worldviews as mere spectators--we must enter the battle of ideas with both credibility and vigor.

The moral vacuum of the postmodern age is the direct result of an education that denies absolute truth and universal meaning. As C.S. Lewis once warned, such an educational system produces "men without chests." They lack the crucial faculty of moral reasoning that links facts to feelings. Lewis warned that a generation of "men without chests" would lead to the virtual abolition of humanity."

If you are a Christian you must read this entire article! As parents and educators, we must understand the non-Christian environment awaiting our precious children in all secular school settings. Read the article, and you will think differently about that Ivy League education. Click on the link below to read the entire article.

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