Let's first start with the idea of equality; what do we mean by educational equality? Do we mean equal opportunity, equality of outcome, equality of condition, equality before the law... all of which are social concepts. Or, do we mean logical equality, as in math? For our purposes here, I will simplify our discussion by assuming that we are speaking in terms of equal opportunity. I make this assumption because I believe looking at educational equality through this lens is really what we should do. I am sure you are wondering what I mean. Let me explain.
The vast majority of education provided to the majority of students in this country is education designed in accordance with education of the past. Education has always been about indoctrination; early in our history its purpose was indoctrinating the many into citizens of this country. It was a process rooted in content, repetition and memorization, and its purpose was clear... citizenship. A process rooted in content produces students who learn the content and reproduce the content. While this is good, it is not going beyond the surface. Memorization is only the beginning of thinking that is abstract. Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning, which is found in his Cognitive Domain, identifies memorization and comprehension as the first step in a five step process of thought and decision making. Once memorization and comprehension are mastered students are to move to higher levels of thought like analysis, synthesis, application and discovery. A process that is still rooted in content produces students who are, in essence, the same. and educational equality is achieved, as all students will know the same content. In my opinion, that is not equality; instead, that is standardization.
Educational equality needs to be equal opportunity. We should be providing students with the skill sets that will put them in position to learn anything, which provides them all equal opportunity to a bright future. But, be warned, even if we do provide an education that readies students for a bright future, there will never be equality. Even if all students take advantage of this equal opportunity, will all students reach the same place... the highest level? Statistically, no, that is impossible. To borrow a wonderful line from the Pixar classic, The Incredibles, "if everyone becomes great then no one really is great." The reality is this: the only way to make everyone equal is to lower the standards and make everyone... average. An educational process rooted in content will do that, but one rooted in skills and excellence that is qualitative will provide each student with the opportunity to soar.
Isn't that what we should be doing? We can not provide every student with the education they need unless every student is motivated to get that type of education. Education, especially high school education, requires as much from the student as from the teacher. A teacher can not make a student want a great education. There will be a personal responsibility on the part of the student that is an important part of the process, and that aspect is usually instilled in church and home.
Educational equality, in my opinion, should be educational equal opportunity. Every student should be given the opportunity to learn how to think, discern, think critically and in higher categories and work hard in order to position themselves to reach their dreams. Have a great summer!
The ONLY solution to Equality and Oneness = www.equalmoney.org - study it!
Second the knowledge and information of this world is not real. We have been warned by John that this is nit the real reality.
Read www.desteni.co.za to go beyond this delusional reality:-)
Sylvie Jacobs
Yes, John has warned us about this world... that our citizenship is in heaven, but we still occupy time and space in a world created. Although, man's sin tainted it we are still commanded to have dominion over his creation. The only reality is found in the Bible. Please read Genesis and John. Blessings!
Realise yourself that whatever goes through your head as the mind is not real, Jesus said. "Do not judge" equals "Have no thoughts". Jesus knew man is and was delusional by beLIEving what is in his mind is for real. By that: The only things that are REAL, is what is HERE, he said.
We are overdue bigtime to create equality and oneness as what Jesus stood for - 2000 years of utter INequality has human mankind (not kind at all) displayed. We are God's disgrace self and self revelations will though fall heavily on those that stood 'above' others -'unfortunately' there is no more a way out (formerly heaven) as for the heaven is openened in 2006, all inequality there 'above' is being processed into equal and one = so we are going to have to bring heaven to earth - again this is what Jesus foretold; so now we as Desteni are gonna bring forth the Equality and Oneness of Jesus by for instance implementing the Equal Money System - to kill the system as god - cause man seems not to be able to be self honest to live as equal and one as all here in the physical - therfore one of the most important mess ages in the bible - completely missed, ditorted and murdered.
It is to stand up in self from death / sleep / thinking and be in and as the Physical - resurrection of each and every self.
See the world wide standing up from CON sciousness >> God is not within you nor is God within anyone else - God is the living word.
Living words as one with you: I am words. I am word. I am life. I am one. I am equal. I am expression. This statemment: I am - is not a statement - it is an expression of who you are that you live within and as oneness and equality as life in every moment of breath. This is a process - not an instant 'becoming'...
We have it coming!
Take care - get self honest equal and one as all here - the 'highest'
one can achieve
Sounds like you are running everything through this desteni, and I am guessing, it's a relatively new idea. From where did it come? How do you know it is true? Does it stand the test of time, consistency, authenticity? No one will bring forth anything for Jesus or pave the way to heaven other than Jesus. Acts 4:11-12 makes this clear. Be wary of Revelation 22:18-20! Blessings!
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