Warren Smith writes,
"True education reform takes place once the classroom door closes. A recent report by the National Council on Teacher Quality (“Human Capital in Seattle Public Schools”) reinforces this point. The most effective education reform begins and ends in the classroom. Nothing we do at the state level can replace the value of a superior teacher."
If that is true, and I believe it is part of the answer, then the teacher becomes a very important part of the puzzle regarding education. Mr. Smith steps into this puddle and asks hard questions like what makes a great teacher. He writes,
"The best teachers value their students as individuals. Danyell Laughlin, an English teacher in Silverdale, works tirelessly to show students that each one “of them is valuable and has valuable things to share.” Every child is a priority, and because that child is valued, that child values learning.
Our best teachers foster a respect for self and others, a love for learning, and a child’s capacity to dream and achieve those dreams.
The best teachers also believe that each and every child can learn. Their belief in their students is contagious.
The best teachers succeed with all students. They are open and approachable, able to relate to all as individuals and still lead the gathering of those individuals as a purpose-driven class. The superior educator has wall-to-wall impact; children lucky enough to find seats in their classes need not worry about being left behind. That overused term is more than just policy fluff here; it is a daily practice. These teachers are catalysts incarnate, capable of sparking learning in all students."
What he is referencing here is that our best teachers have... Christian values. You will not find the word "Christian" in his article, but you will find those traits all over his ideas about what makes a great teacher. He goes on to write about the idea of mentoring and how all teachers must be mentors; sound familiar?
As the world struggles to find plausible solutions to our educational issues, those sincere in their pursuit will stumble onto truth at times. And, that truth will always be rooted in Christ. The rest of his article is worth reading. Blessings to all!
1 comment:
Points to equalize:
"Education" must change into re-educating children as equal and one as all here in the physical - to stand up in self as eqaul and one.
"Reform" must change into deprogramm and stop the mind irreality.
"Christian, private and public" must all change into being equal and one as all here in the Physical
"Look long and hard (lens)" must change into seeing and hearing how to change self in equality and oneness and to stand up in the education system as self honesty.
"Teacher Quality" must change self into Teacher Equality
"The most effective education begins and ends" with self as the alpha self and omega self.
"The value of a superior teacher" must change into the Principles of Equality and Oneness according to Desteni
"The best teachers value their students as individuals" must change into valueing students as equal and one
"A child's capacity to dream and achieve those dreams those dreams" must change into stop dreaming / sleeping / tthinking and realise themselves with self forgiveness and self honesty as equal and one as aal
"The best teachers also believe that each and every child can learn" must change into stop beLIEving and (l)EARning - Equal Money will be here
"Christian values" must change in realising the principles of equality and oneness as All Life Here is Equal and One(they have to realise that is what Jesus himself stood for to bring heaven on earth).
That what's Desteni is now here for -to get this done - once and for all!
For the truth is in self
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