He used this whole idea of consistent presuppositions to open my eyes to His world before me. He made it concise and clear... that He is the only worldview that can be lived out consistently. It is only the Christian worldview that comes together at the end to form a nice neat bow.
You see... the world really is a matrix of sorts. As you and I view the world, we do so through a lens composed of presuppositions. Everyone has them, and they dictate what you believe and support. We believe in one thing and can not fathom how someone could believe the opposite of what we believe with as much passion... presuppositions. Where this matrix idea comes into the equation is where we met this idea of inconsistency.
Inconsistency is usually not a positive thing. If your inconsistent at work, no matter what you do, you will not be doing it long. Inconsistency, defined, is this idea of containing or possessing incompatible elements. If your worldview is inconsistent it is because it contains incompatible elements. When it contains incompatible elements it will not stand alone, that is unless it is secured through a matrix of sorts. We live in a matrix of belief. The media keeps us secure in our inconsistencies by repeating, as much as possible, the truth they want us to believe. We are all so connected that it is quite easy to accomplish this task. Because of this matrix of belief, we have become conditioned to believe what ever we hear the most, regardless of whether it connects to any other truth we have heard in the past. The matrix, if you will, is built on the truth being rooted in those who have the power to repeat at the highest level, with the greatest quantity and the loudest volume.
What all of this has produced is a people who live quite comfortably within inconsistent presuppositions that do not connect and are not even related. Christians are just as guilty as everyone else. We do not live consistent lives either. As I read the gospels, I see Jesus living a life based upon what He believes. His presuppositions all connect and flow out of this idea that He is God. He refuses to let situations and circumstances dictate His actions. Instead, he lets His beliefs/worldview/presuppositions dictate His actions, and they are always consistent, regardless of the situation.
As we watch our country go through some tough times, we watch, first hand, the consequences of inconsistent presuppositions. A government that seeks to remove every moral and godly reference from its public will not get much help when it asks its public to exhibit Christian virtues. The government desires its people to serve and sacrifice for the greater good, yet the greater good was removed from the social fabric of this country long ago. The current fabric is one composed of self, pleasure, entertainment... the individual good. We have been weaving this fabric for years, and it is fairly strong. I am not confident that slamming on the brakes of the current mindset and asking the individual good to sacrifice for the greater good will offer any help. Time will tell!
What is the answer? I know of only one sure answer to all of these questions... Jesus Christ. He was my answer; maybe He is yours! Blessings!
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