
Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Reality of Reality

Are you tired of the many asserting a reality that is not real?

They push evolution when there is no real evidence, and then they turn around and tell us that God is not real when there is an abundance of evidence.

Why do we listen to the dribble?

We listen to the dribble because that is all that we have been educated to hear. It is the dribble... that which is irrational, dull and void of the full array of sensory perceptions that has anesthetized our minds into craving nothing of substance.

We believe what we are told and never check facts. The lies mean nothing to us. The false truths, the insults, the mockery... none of it affects us because we are comfortable with the nothing, as long as we have company. We crave the nothing as long as there is a crowd.

Computers, smart phones, Ipads and the like all push our minds into this hibernative state. We are a sleep, but we are not. And, it is acceptable to us because it is what everyone else is doing. At least we think that is what everyone else is doing, but if truth be told, we are not real sure because we are so engulfed in our own personal being.

We believe what the mirror shows us and never read the fine print: things are always larger than they appear in a mirror. And, we crave what we see, and when our line of sight is only a mirror, well... you get the idea.

We would rather listen than read. We would rather believe than research. We would rather company than truth because listening, believing and the crowd allow me to slip back into who I am. This is reality, and it is not real.

So, what is real? What is reality? The reality of reality is that which is real without prompts, manipulation, lies or deceit. Reality is that which is true the first time, the seventh time and the hundredth time, and it is the same every time. It is that which does not need adjustment, an excuse or a lie. It is true all the time... every time.

And, there is only one who never changes... who is always the right way, the absolute truth and life. And, the only one I know who fits that definition perfectly is Jesus Christ.

There will be those of you who immediately discount this reality, but PLEASE, read just one more sentence.

Those of you who dismiss Jesus but then embrace evolution, Karma, reincarnation, atheism, humanism and the many other beliefs answer this question: have you really examined Christianity with any seriousness?

I encourage you to ask hard questions of what you believe and Christianity, and see which one has the answers. Be careful. You just might discover the reality of reality!


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