
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall Break at Rosemary Beach

My family and I spent a week at Rosemary Beach for our Fall Break. It was a week to live life with no constraints of time or labor. We slept late, ate too much, and let the sunsets dictate our evenings. It was a great week, and a reminder to me how easy it is to worship other things than the Lord Jesus.

As I read in the book of Job this week, I realized how easy it is to live a life of idolatry inside the Christian faith. Each setback Job encountered, he refused to discredit his God and refused to hop on the idols of excuses offered by his friends and companions. Job exercised trust and patience in God in the face of great personal affliction, yet I, too often, tend to default to the faith of an idol worshipper, and I fear that I am just like you. When times get tough I am on my knees praying and reading as if my Lord is some idol that I go to in times of need. Yet, when my Lord provides time for Him and for family, I struggle to begin and end my days with Him. In reality I am treating Him just like I used to treat my past idols: only going to Him when I am in dire need or when I am a little down and in need of a pick-me-up.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I am looking forward to worship! I pray that you too will worship at a Christ-centered church that preaches the truth of the gospel.


Anonymous said...

I found your post "by accident" when searching for Rosemary Beach.

Was it an accident? I don't think so.

What a beautiful and inspired observation of faith.

We expect good things all the time and seldom ask why do I deserve such blessings like health, home, family today? Sadly, as soon as any of these blessing is threatened we ask speak God why me?

I am grateful for this moment God has given and all its blessings.

C. L. Bouvier said...

I agree that nothing is an accident. Your words are kind. I am awed that God uses...even me in times like these. Many blessings to you!