
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Truth...

I was given the great blessing one summer of spending almost three months in Israel as I worked for a Christian hostel in Haifa. I learned many things as I lived with Messianic Jews who worshipped and loved the Lord Jesus. This past weekend I was reminded of a lesson I learned from them as they lived daily with issues we, in the west, never encounter (Thanks Pastor Zellner! Come visit us at Westminster Presbyterian will not be sorry!).

The Bible is the truth...yet we spend a lot of energy defending it like it needs protection. I love Apologetics, but I want to make sure I do not spend all my energy defending and have nothing left for loving. I believe we ought to ask those who claim that there is no prove it. There is plenty of evidence for the gospel; where is the evidence to support the claim that there is no god? My lesson is simple: those who claim that there is no god...please prove it! Why! Well, wouldn't you want to share the truth with everyone you encountered? Exactly! Blessings!

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