
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today's Happiness

How do we define happiness today? If I can just make this amount of money... I will be happy. If I can have this or that...I will be happy. Happiness, even among Christians, is defined differently than it should be. Wilfred M. McClay writes, in his essay, that "happiness is a matter of having the right expectations." He writes that ideas have everything to do with happiness.

If ideas are that important to happiness, then a Christian's happiness ought to be rooted in the ideas of our Lord Jesus. His ideas were rooted in the idea of servanthood or the service of others. Today's happiness, sadly, is not rooted in others; instead, it is totally self-centered and not the selfless concept continually lived out by our Lord.

Read McClay's article, The Paradox of the Pursuit of Happiness to get his views on today's happiness. Is your pursuit of happiness a pursuit of worldly desire or Christ your Savior?

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