
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What am I learning about reality?

We all deal with the question of reality every day! What is real? Is this picture really moving, or is my trusted sense of sight deceiving me? Is Jesus Christ real? Did he live, die and rise three days later from death? The world asks these questions every day; do we answer them?

There are no special words or chants to be said. There is no special sermon or special prayer to pray. It is God alone that saves, but I believe we can provide our answers to these questions when we Christians learn to live in love and unity.

I am learning some valuable lessons these days from two churches that have agreed to host our school for the next year. Both of these churches are different than the church I currently attend, which I love. Both have agreed to allow our school to use space for the next year while we wait for our new building to be finished. Both are currently working with us to ready space for the coming year. For me it has been pure joy to work with these people.

And, what do we have in common? Well, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and it is Jesus that unites us because we try to place Him first. I am sure there are many things that could divide us, but when we make every attempt to put Him first, we tend to come together in Him and for Him.

When we put aside our agendas, our pride, our selfish ways, our issues, and our desire to want it our way...something wonderful happens...unity in Christ.

I said I was learning some things these days. Well, I am learning to listen a little longer. I am also learning that submitting to another fellow a wonderful experience. I am learning a lot from our students as they come every day and work hard! And finally, I am learning that the things that look impossible to us feeble human beings are always possible when we put Him first and trust Him to provide!

What is real? Life in Christ is the only real thing I know right now. He is always with me at work, at home, in difficult times and in good times. It is only through Jesus that all that has come together could have come together, but the sad truth is that tomorrow...I will not appreciate what He has done for me today. I will be like everyone else; I will forget the miracles of today and rush into what I need for tomorrow. I will make my needs more important than others, and I will make sure they are urgent... and, in my own sinful self-centered way, I will forget all about what...You, O' Lord...have done for me today. May it not be! Lord, help me to slow down and take time to marinate in your word and in your daily miracles.

And, that is my prayer for each of you. Blessings!

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