
Monday, October 27, 2008

Bailout to the Rescue, Maybe...

Dr. Mark T. Mitchell wrote an interesting article on the recent government bailout. He writes what most of us think, case and point:

"In the days leading up to the passage of the final package, politicians from both parties grimly warned that what was at stake was "our American way of life" and without massive intervention the country and perhaps the world was heading toward an "economic apocalypse." I must admit that I am skeptical when powerful folks ask for more power. I'm even more skeptical when they do so using fear as a motivation. When the putative choice is massive government intervention or world-wide disaster, we do well to ask how we got into such a conundrum."

Dr. Mitchell writes of ten important questions regarding the bailout. They are questions that should be on your mind if they are not already. His article, Ten Questions and a Modest Proposal, present the ten questions in all their glory. They will cause you to think, and, hopefully, remember that a Holy God is in complete control. Blessings!

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