
Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Fox and the Hedgehog

The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
Archilochus (7th-century b.c.e.)

Basically, human beings are categorized as either "hedgehogs" or "foxes." Hedgehogs' live according to a single, central vision of reality to which they "feel", breathe, experience and think. Foxes live centrifugal lives, pursuing many divergent ends approaching reality in ways that prevents them from formulating a definite grand system of "everything", simply because they "sense" that life is too complex to be squeezed into any Procrustean unitary scheme.

Hedgehogs tend to be driven by that one world and life view; foxes tend to be pragmatic, looking for anything that works to bring the desired goal. I believe, as a Christian, my goal should be to live life more as a hedgehog than a fox. Christ should permeate every decision and be my motivation in all that I do, but I am human and a sinner and will be tempted every day to be a pragmatic fox.

The battle is made easier for me when I understand who I am, and then understand who I should be. Are you a hedgehog or a fox? What should you be? Blessings!

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