
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why are Christians not relevant?

I am away this evening and spent almost three hours in the truck thinking about Christians and culture. I am big on Christians engaging culture. I love to go to Starbucks and sit and talk with high school kids about life and Christ. Anyway, back to the topic... why are Christians not relevant? I have a theory. I am not saying it is a good theory... just a theory.

I believe that Christians over the last 30 or so years have been content to not engage culture. We, Christians, have built our churches, our family life centers, our schools and many other things with the idea of building a wall of separation. Inside those walls we have been content to socialize, worship and even work with other Christians... the whole time building a life that is somewhat void of substantial interaction with non- Christians.

In those years, we fell out of the great dialogue of ideas and the divine concepts found in the scriptures disappeared from the conversation. Other ideas got most of the play and received no challenge from the things of the divine.

Today, we have awaken and found that we are not relevant. Too many Believers are content to read only Christian books, and, from afar, that seems fine. But, up close, how do we engage the evolutionists if we know nothing of the theory? We won't engage, and they will not engage us because there is no place to begin. Of course the world does not read in our area to engage us either, but that never was promised to us in scripture.

Engaging culture is something I think we must be willing to do. You may disagree with my ideas above, they are the result of a tired mind so you may be right to disagree, but this whole idea of engaging culture is worth examining as it relates to scripture.

When I read the gospels and look at the life of my Savior I see Him doing two major things... making disciples and engaging culture. At Westminster Christian Academy, we are attempting to do these very things... discipling students and engaging culture. And, we do them, not perfectly, but we do them... with the goal being to educate every student in Christ and with excellence so that each will be ready to change the world for His glory. Blessings!

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