
Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Power of Words

I am an educator and part of my job is to formally evaluate our high school faculty. Today, I was able to observe a great lesson on the power of words.

Words have meaning, and if anyone attempts to tell you something different... do not believe them. As a matter of fact, run from them because they are dangerous.

The connotations of words are equally powerful. If you disagree then just listen to the news for a few moments. Words like riot, massacre, terror, insurgent and others are used masterfully by the press to influence us into feeling and, hopefully, thinking exactly what they want us to think.

Let's face reality... the press is not intent on reporting the facts any longer; no, they are intent on influencing us to think what they want us to think and use the power of words and the connotations associated with those words to achieve their desired results.

There are some who doubt the power of connotations. Take this simple test with one word. What do you think of first when you hear the word "discipline?"

Now, what if I use the word "discipline" in the context of athletics? Does it change your perception of discipline?

What about if I use "discipline" in the context of punishment? Does it change yet again?

The power of words and the connotations associated with those words can be used to influence us and sway us if we are not careful. As Christians, we ought to be aware of this power. We also ought to have a firm grasp of words and use them the way God intended them to be used... with excellence and for His glory! Blessings!

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