
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Little Upset

Okay, I admit it... I have had a bad week. The house is under repair, my son and wife are sick, I had a few tough meetings at work and I tripped and fell running. So, maybe I am in a slightly testy mood right now, but all of that would not matter because after reading the latest information... I would be in the same mood.

What will we do, as people, with our government? Something has to be done. has an excellent article on where the stimulus money has gone. According to this article and at least two others that I have read, the money has gone to 440 congressional districts that, now get this, do... not... exist!

How can this be? Where is the press? Where is the transparency we were promised? Where is the accountability? The honeymoon is over. This administration has taken a large debt, which they inherited from George W. Bush (still mad at him for that) and tripled it in one year. They have TRIPLED it in one year. What is going on? What are we doing?

As people what will we do? Will we elect the same senators next year? Will we just sit on our hands and take it? Will we pretend it is not that bad? Something has got to be done.

The market goes up and continues to do well and unemployment is over 10%... does that make any sense to anyone? I admit to not being the sharpest knife in the drawer but, if the market keeps going up and unemployment keeps going up... that can only mean one thing... government spending is driving the market up. That is not good. So, what do we do?

We begin with what we have... the power to vote. Next year, we, as a people, should not elect one incumbent from either party. We should throw them all out and put new people in their place, and we should do it every election while we still have the power.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. Read this article, and I promise you, it will make you mad, and you won't have to trip while running to get that way. Blessings!

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