
Saturday, February 13, 2010


Here is another list of ten. Here we go... the ten things I remember from my time growing up in Monroe Bridge, Massachusetts, population... 250.

10. Walking to school in a snow storm.
9. Leaving my bedroom window open all night.
8. Sleeping in my tent in the woods.
7. Sliding, by street light at night, down a steep road closed every winter. The Town Crew always put a nice big pile of snow at the bottom of that road so we would never have to worry about sliding into the main road.
6. Playing hide-and-go seek in the whole town. I remember the flag pole of the school serving as base.
5. Making a 98 on the hardest 7th grade history test known to man. My first remembered dose of real hard work resulting in success.
4. Biking to the "Cement Bridge" a full 5 miles away and swimming until dark.
3. Playing on my little league team on the 4th of July with my Dad announcing the game.
2. Seeing a live moose walk right in front of the car I was riding in early one morning.
1. Playing kickball for recess forever if we, boys, just stayed ahead of the girls. As soon as the girls went ahead, our teacher, who always played on the girls team, would say, "let's go." And, recess was suddenly over.

Great memories from a great childhood!

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