
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Retirement Signals Trouble

Evan Bayh is a Democrat and a good guy, from where I sit. He says the right things, votes the same way and is honest and straightforward. I am a conservative and have come to appreciated those who speak consistently from their heart of belief. Evan Bayh is that type of man.

When Bayh announced that he was not running for re-election, I was interested in what he would have to say. Interestingly, Bayh stated in his press conference,

"There is too much partisanship and not enough progress -- too much narrow ideology and not enough practical problem-solving, he said."

He went on to say,

"Even at a time of enormous challenge, the peoples' business is not being done."

When a man like this, who is currently part of the majority, decides to call it quits because he can't get the "peoples' business" done, something is wrong. Bayh suggests the system needs a shock in order to get it back on track. What is this "shock"he recommends? Bayh believes a mass turnover of incumbent politicians would be the shock the system needs.

I think his idea should be the beginning of things to come if we are to clean the system. We, the American people, still hold the right to vote, and I would encourage all of us to use that right to change the landscape and shock the system, as Senator Bayh suggests. It will only be a start, but at least it will be in the right direction, even if it is only the first step. Blessings!

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