
Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Everyone is always talking about truth today. As an educator, truth is an important part of the educational equation. Truth is always part of the cognitive process of thinking. It is a basic ingredient of a human being because everyone has a view of truth.

How do we plod through all the different views of truth in the world today? How do we know which ones are true and which ones are not? As a born-again Christian, how do I know that what I believe to be true is really true? How do I know that scripture, which I believe to be God's word, is true and believable?

Let's not get all caught up in what is true for the time being. Instead, let's make the case that some form of truth must be part of the human DNA. For at least two decades, those who believe in a liberal relative view of the world have won the war of culture. They have pushed to the front their view of the world and made it the dominant current view. Now, in order to be fair, we must assume that this current view is no closer to the truth than the one it replaced two decades ago. According to their argument, truth is relative and can not possibly be the same for everyone. The view that was replaced, that which is conservative, universal and absolute, is still a view, and it is a view that is shared by many. Those on the liberal side did a great job of demanding that their view get equal time and equal rights, but was it more accurate and true? At the time, it was not promoted as such, but now that it is a view shared but those who are powerful and influential... the rules have changed.

But, here is the secret they don't want you to think about... the rules, you know... the ones they used to establish the way for an acceptance of all things liberal, relative and radical... well, those same rules mean that all views of the world are relevant. Let's break it down to its simplest form. If your view of the world is liberal than you believe in a reality that is relative and not absolute. There is no right answer nor is there an absolute truth. Human reason is the real god, and utopia can only be found by human reason. Man is good, and it is society that is responsible for all social ills.

These thoughts permeate our media, government and higher educational institutions today. My issues with these ideas are not their foundation for they are ideas and should have the freedom to compete with other ideas. My issue is that these ideas are ideas that reject all other ideas. Any idea that is deemed competition is labeled a threat and then assassinated through various fallacious attacks. They claim their heritage from the Greek culture yet reject the most fundamental principal found there... an exchange of many ideas. The agora was the marketplace where people went to trade commerce, but it was also the center of culture where the exchange of ideas took place. What most frustrates me about today's America is that there is little exchange of ideas. If a true liberal worldview existed there would be an equal exchange of ideas because a true liberal worldview is always seeking utopia through human reason. That means welcoming all ideas to the table because the goal was always to find the best ideas.

We started this conversation talking about truth, and will end it there. Every human being has formed an idea on what is true and right and will live according to that idea. As you form your idea on truth, consider a few points. First, that which is true welcomes competition because competition only confirms truth. Second, that which is true is true no matter the rule or regulation. And, finally, a true worldview can be lived out consistently in all situations. I have tried out most worldviews and have found only one that is true and right... Jesus Christ! As you live your life consider that which you believe to be true... does it welcome competition? Is it true in all situations? Can you live it out consistently or do you have to hide it in certain situations? Your answers to these questions may make all the difference in the world to you some day. Blessings!

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