
Monday, September 5, 2011

Differences of Opinion

What is wrong with being different? Your answer should be... nothing! Everyone is different and should be. I believe part of our problem today is that we frown on differences, or I should say those in power frown on differences.

What about the whole idea of opinions, what is wrong with different opinions? In DC, differences of opinion spell defeat and loss of power, which is part of DC's problem. They have forgotten two heads are better than one, and many opinions around a table have a better chance at arriving at the right opinion than at the one dominant opinion. This is part of our problem in this country - we have gotten away from the many.

Many of us think our way is always right, and any opinion differing from ours is a threat. This is contrary to the truth. It takes many opinions to find the one that is right and the one that will work for the many. When I push mine over all others I have found it works best for me, but not so well for others. What a revelation, right?

We must all learn to celebrate our differences. We are all different in some way. The push to make us all alike is embedded in oppression and leads to demise. All we need to do is check our history to confirm this truth. But, when we celebrate our differences our eyes are open to more of the world. We meet those not like us and learn from them as they learn from us. Rejecting differences keeps us in the same state, never growing and moving forward in our understanding of the differences in the world in which we live.

When we reject different opinions and different people we reject growth and wisdom. Over the years, most of my growth has come from being exposed to different ideas from those I might not agree with at first. My thoughts and ideas have changed and moved because of the many people God has put into my life. Deep, embedded beliefs have changed because of new relationships and exposure to different views of the world. I believe one of the most dangerous things we can do is to surround ourselves we those who believe exactly what we believe.

What happens when that takes place? Well, one starts to take offense to any idea contrary to those ideas held. One begins to build defenses to protect those held ideas, and those ideas become the identity and existence for those who hold them. Anyone in association with those holding such ideas must first believe those ideas before any relationship is formed. All other ideas are crushed before consideration and labeled accordingly. Sound stagnate, stale and unproductive? No need to wonder any longer why our government can't accomplish anything these days. But, this is not just found in our government; it is also found in our hearts.

Each and everyone of us has this potential. There are so many competing truths out in the world today that have nothing to say to us because they assume that which is false. Look deep into your own heart and consider your own thoughts. Consider those thoughts you have with yourself. Then, consider your current reality and belief system. Do your deepest thoughts match your current belief of what is true? So many reject the belief in God without even really considering it. Belief in God is a different opinion; it is one worth considering before blind rejection because it is the one that will change your life. Blessings!  

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