
Thursday, September 15, 2011


I am more convinced than ever that one of the ideas disappearing today is the idea of visionary leadership. Vision is an extraordinary thing. I am not sure that many people appreciate the power of vision.

Vision is the path forward; it defines why an organization exists. Vision clarifies the purpose of an organization. Schools, churches, organizations and people need vision. The only way to lead is by vision.

I am privy to strategic plans and discussions that take place regarding five and ten year plans for the future. Money is spent on companies who send specialists who spend hours creating a strategic plan without first considering the vision of the organization.

I watch leaders struggle in positions of authority because they do not lead by vision. Reaction, appeasement, compromise and inconsistency are all marks of a leadership that has no vision. A vision statement states, very clearly, to the watching world what the organization, school or person wants to be to that watching world. But, that is only the first step.

The vision must be known and embraced. It must be lived out day after day by the leadership. It must be repeated over and over to everyone in the organization. It must fit the organization well. People also need vision or else they will be doomed to frustration, confusion and inconsistency.

Today, most of the leadership I see is reactionary. These leaders stand back and try to determine which decision is most popular or which will cause the least amount of trouble. Today's leaders make decisions according to their own beliefs, and never consider others or the organization. They rarely seek counsel, spend little time in prayer and reflection and no time in analysis or synthesis. It is a wonder that we ever get any decision out of such a process.

Visionary leadership is a dying idea for many reasons, but one of the most telling is that visionary leadership is leadership that moral, selfless and service-oriented. These traits have been eradicated from our society in the last two decades. Without these traits being instilled in our future leaders, visionary leadership will be the next great idea to disappear. Do you really want to be lead by those who refuse to take responsibility for anything?

I will end with this. I was listening to a news radio show today as I was driving. I listen to talk radio at times, and the show I was listening to was conservative. A man called in clearly in favor of the liberal agenda. As I listen to the conservative argue with the liberal, I felt like I was in high school again because both were that childish. And, do you know why? Both were arguing from a perspective and worldview missing vision. Without vision we are all doomed.

Proverbs 29:18 states, " Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law." This is not just biblical truth but current reality! May the Lord help us! Blessings!




AKA Jane Random said...

Great blog as usual. In the third paragraph you state that: "Money is spent on companies who send specialists who spend hours creating a strategic plan without first considering the vision of the organization." What is the difference between a strategic plan and a vision?

C. L. Bouvier said...

A vision is a short easily remembered slogan of who you are; a mission is what you are. A strategic plan is the path forward for the next five years. You can not move forward until everyone understands who you are and what you are. Hope that helps.