
Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Christian Worldview

In my last post, I wrote of a basic worldview and made the case that we all view the world through our unique worldview. In this post, I would like to present the tenets of a Christian worldview.

Depending on what you are reading these days, a Christian worldview can be explained in a number of ways, but for our purposes currently I would like to stay simple. There are really only two main basic tenets of the Christian worldview: God exists, and God has spoken.What does this mean? Simply put, God is the reason for all that exists. Apart from Him, there is nothing and without Him there would be nothing. The two tenets have a causal relationship as God spoke creation into existence.

Any worldview classified as a Christian worldview must flow from four essential elements; without these elements the worldview can not and should not be considered Christian. They are Creation - Fall - Redemption - Consummation. This is the flow of history that is still being written by a Holy God. Viewing all of history through this lens means you believe that God's creative and redemptive providence is responsible for all that we see, hear and feel.

There are five primary characteristics of a worldview that encapsulate our thoughts on all things. Those five areas are: Metaphysics or the origin of all things, Core Values, Culture, Ethics and Theology. These areas are referenced in other terms but, for the most part, all the thoughts you will think and the things you will believe will fall into one of these five categories.These five areas must reflect your belief in the four elements of a Christian worldview. Now, here is the really important part! In my opinion, the Christian worldview is the only worldview that can be lived out consistently across these four elements and five characteristics.

The next time you talk to someone about the Christian worldview and they offer you an alternative worldview ask them if they can live their worldview out consistently... they will not be able to do it. The Christian can and will until the return of the King when all will know the Truth. Blessings! 


Patrick Marks said...

I really liked your summation of the a Christian Worldview - I've not seen it summed up like that before. The Truth Project really lays it out but telling it in a nutshell is something else. Thanks

C. L. Bouvier said...

Thanks for your comments. I have followed your twitter account and appreciate your tweets so much. Blessings!