Sometimes, I just don't get it. I don't understand the subtleties of life, the nuances and the innuendos that flow out of the conversations and the actions of people.
Sometimes, I just don't get God. I don't understand the lessons or the reasons for some of the trials and tribulations we all face.
Sometimes, I just don't get people. I don't understand how people can treat other people poorly. I don't understand how one person can oppress another person or look down at that person just because he or she is different.
Sometimes, I just don't get this country. I don't understand how a pragmatic people in everything else refuses to be pragmatic when it comes to voting. I don't understand how many of us will vote for a candidate just because we don't like the other candidate, or because the other candidate is different.
Sometimes, I don't understand faith. I don't understand how the faith of Abraham and Moses now needs modern theology and creeds to be effective. I often wonder what works best with faith... addition or subtraction?
Sometimes, I don't understand forgiveness. I don't understand why people do not embrace forgiveness more, especially when it seems to benefit both sides so well.
Sometimes, I don't understand why many are threatened by difference. I don't understand why too many continue to be threatened by anyone different instead of understanding that we are all different.
Sometimes, I don't understand modernity. I don't understand or am not really convinced that we are advancing. At times, I think we are going backwards quickly.
Sometimes, I don't understand my Bible. I still don't understand why Jesus cursed the fig tree despite the many commentaries on the subject.
Sometimes, I guess, I am not suppose to understand everything.
Sometimes, I am not sure that understanding everything is good for us. I think it takes away from our faith and our dependence on a Holy God and places that faith and dependence on ourselves.
Sometimes, I think we all ought to start getting used to being confused because... I think it is good for us, all the time.
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