
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who is God?

Who is God? I know what you are thinking... how can you ask such a question? Everyone knows who God is, or do we?

My sense is that most of us view God according to who we are. But, what if...

What if God is a sailor who lives and sleeps on the water?
Would you call Him eccentric?

What if God is a homeless person who just asked you for food or for something to drink?
Would you call Him disgusting?

What if God is that struggling student that never sits still and cannot seem to learn in a traditional environment?
Would you call Him rebellious?

What if God is the crying baby next to you who's mother will not keep him quiet on a crowded long flight?
Would you call Him spoiled?

What if God is that man who is insecure and in constant need of attention, begging you to listen to his countless stories about his greatness?
Would you call Him egocentric?

What if God is that person who constantly complains about everything and always views the glass as half empty?
Would you call Him a pessimist?

What if God is a man, covered in blood and spit, who has confessed his guilt and is condemned to death?
Would you call Him...


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