At times, I just like to sit and write what spills out of my head; right now is one of those times so proceed cautiously because this may not make much sense.
Life is a road, I think, that is, when I think about life I think of it... as a road.
With its white lines, blacktop, green signs and brown historical markers. Yep, I am sure of it; life is like a road, all paved and straight..
Then, I think, no, life is not like a road. They are not all paved and straight with green and brown signs.Then, I think again... well, yea, life can still be, kind of... like... a road, if a parking lot can be considered a road.
Parking lots are like roads... treadmill roads I call them. They are made with the same stuff and serve the same things, but they just lead you... nowhere, while you in them; kind of like life, at times. Life lesson one: never stay in a parking lot longer than needed because as long as you are in the parking lot you are going nowhere!
So, life is like a road, I think, because roads are not always straight or paved. Nope, some roads have dirt, bumps and holes with curves leading to other curves.
Roads are funny like life... dirt roads leave their dirt with you while paved ones don't. Wonder what that says about life. I am sure it says something just not quite sure what at this moment. Life lesson two: we often learn more on dirt roads than we do on smooth paved roads.
So, I guess, life is like a road. I am feeling more comfortable with the idea now... kind of like the way I feel on a familiar road. There it is again, life is like a road.
Life: can it really be compared to a road? Important roads are paved, with lights, nice signs and police. Not-so-important roads are not and, yea, that is kind of like life.
If you go too fast on a road you crash, get a ticket or both. That's kind of like... life, at least my life.
If you go slow and stay in the left lane people roar by you, tailgate you, get made at you and look at you funny. Yea, that, too, is a lot like life. Life lesson three: no matter how you drive on a road, there will always be someone who disagrees with the way you drive.
Life is a lot like roads, and not just any one road, but many roads. Paved roads, two lane roads, four lane roads, dirt roads, grass roads, no roads... is that not life? Life lesson four: you will never be on the same road for your entire life so learn how to drive on many different roads.
When I sit down and think of life I think of a road. I think of how the road was made, and why it was made. I think of the road's beginning and its end. And, I think... a road makes absolutely no sense if we all just wanted to stay home. Would we build something we weren't going to use to go to a place we didn't want to go? Life lesson five: a road is always built for a purpose, and life is always given for a purpose... God's purpose and glory.
Life is like a road, at least in my mind it is!
Is this an analogy for "life is like a box of chocolates?"
1. What if there were no parking lots?
2. I've traveled many "dirt roads" and, yes indeed, have learned much more from those than the "smooth" ones.
3. Agreed. You can never make everyone happy all the time. Although, I do like to put forth the effort to maximize the potential.
4. I think it's interesting to contemplate the roads I've traveled and anticipate the ones to come.
5. I often wonder what my purpose is, even though I believe I'm where I'm supposed to be. Do you think you are fulfilling your purpose?
It is an analogy of sorts for all those statements about life. If there were no parking lots there would be no roads and no life as life is about motion and rest. As far as purpose, I think one can fulfill their purpose as a Christian in a variety of places, no matter where those are. Sometime, I tend to get caught up in the place instead of my purpose.
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