
Monday, June 1, 2015


What is so great about being equal?

Have you ever thought about this whole push towards equality, and how it is really discrimination against difference.

If you are for equality then you are against difference. There is no other way to look at the issue.

Let's forget about equality and promote difference instead! That, for me, is the better way to go.

Equality is a fallacy. It is not reality; it is not even a pipe dream. It is an impossibility.

Difference celebrates everyone because... you guessed it; everyone is different. Difference eliminates racism, elitism and privilege because there is no preference or norm. Difference is the new norm, and everyone meets the norm just as they are.

Equality celebrates no one. Anyone great is pulled down as is anyone different because different might one day be great, and both offer no path to equality.

Equality will only push the norm down. Everyone cannot be great, but everyone can be average. A push towards equality is a push towards mediocrity.

What is so wrong with difference? Are you against difference?

Do you get uncomfortable around people who are not like you? Do you immediately disagree with new ideas? Are you threatened by those who have different gifts than you do?

Do you avoid change? Do you let others do your thinking for you? Are you part of the status quo?

Embrace difference because you are different... just like everyone else!

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